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Guest 09:57:24 AM Viewing the topic Vandag is Moedertaal-dag.....
Guest 09:57:24 AM Viewing the topic Snoek Patee.....
Guest 09:57:22 AM Viewing the topic River Alive....
Guest 09:57:19 AM Viewing the topic Jubilations..!!!!.
Guest 09:57:17 AM Viewing the topic Dis Valentine's....!!.
Guest 09:57:13 AM Viewing the topic Pase is verby....
Guest 09:57:09 AM Viewing the topic Hoe troos mens..?.
Guest 09:57:07 AM Viewing the topic Kan mens iemand werklik ken?.
Guest 09:57:06 AM Viewing the topic gedagte vir die dag.
Guest 09:57:06 AM Viewing the topic Demensie - Sambreel van 'n breinmoordenaar.
Guest 09:57:06 AM Viewing the topic Alledaagse dinge is nietig.....
Guest 09:57:05 AM Viewing the topic gedagte vir die dag.
Guest 09:56:58 AM Viewing the topic herleef uit die ou dae.
Guest 09:56:58 AM Viewing the topic Swarkoppies se moses..
Guest 09:56:49 AM Viewing the topic spoedkameras.
Guest 09:56:46 AM Viewing the topic Boeke-hoekie.
Guest 09:56:42 AM Viewing the topic afrikaans op sy beste.
Guest 09:56:38 AM Viewing the topic ek is lus om te "stir" vanoggend.
Guest 09:56:37 AM Viewing the topic VIR PM!!!!.
Guest 09:56:35 AM Viewing the topic Watter een sal jy kies?.
Guest 09:56:34 AM Viewing the topic Ses Weke.. .
Guest 09:56:30 AM Viewing the topic Souttert 1.
Guest 09:56:30 AM Viewing the topic Watter een sal jy kies?.
Guest 09:56:29 AM Viewing the topic boere.
Guest 09:56:28 AM Viewing the topic Die 5 W's skryfstyl as gedigstruktuur..
Guest 09:56:22 AM Viewing the topic Lyfstraf vir jou Kind ?.
Guest 09:56:18 AM Viewing the topic KKNK....
Guest 09:56:16 AM Viewing the topic Dis histeries snaaks, julle moet lees...
Guest 09:56:13 AM Viewing the topic Ys en Oorpyn....
Guest 09:56:10 AM Viewing the topic PM Verjaar!!!.
Guest 09:56:10 AM Viewing the topic Kom sit saam aan in Gatkantland (Australia).
Guest 09:56:08 AM Viewing the topic Merriespruit.... 20 jaar later.
Guest 09:56:06 AM Viewing the topic ierland 2015 # 8 Londonderry.
Guest 09:56:02 AM Viewing the topic Kos uit Amerika.
Guest 09:56:00 AM Viewing the topic Kos uit die Middel Ooste.
Guest 09:55:52 AM Viewing the topic Gelukkige kersfees.
Guest 09:55:51 AM Viewing the topic verkiesing.
Guest 09:55:51 AM Viewing the topic Companies om te nader vir borgskappe : .
Guest 09:55:50 AM Viewing the topic 'n Derde oog of 'n sesde sintuig?.
Guest 09:55:49 AM Viewing the topic 'n Derde oog of 'n sesde sintuig?.
Guest 09:55:44 AM Viewing the topic Uit die Leeu se Bek....
Guest 09:55:38 AM Viewing the topic Ek moet net hierdie met julle deel....
Guest 09:55:30 AM Viewing the topic Banting Dieet....
Guest 09:55:29 AM Viewing the topic Banting Dieet....
Guest 09:55:20 AM Viewing the topic Suid Afrika se eie Vampier....
Guest 09:55:18 AM Viewing the topic iets interessant.
Guest 09:55:14 AM Viewing the topic Suid Afrika se eie Vampier....
Guest 09:55:00 AM Viewing the topic Swangerskap onder Gr 3 dogters.....
Guest 09:54:54 AM Viewing the topic Murphy was hier....
Guest 09:54:52 AM Viewing the topic Kom ons praat PIESANGS.
Guest 09:54:50 AM Viewing the topic Matriek-Reunies.....
Guest 09:54:50 AM Viewing the topic Kom ons praat GEMMER.
Guest 09:54:39 AM Viewing the topic Kom ons praat GROENBONE.
Guest 09:54:34 AM Viewing the topic Kom ons praat VARK RIBBETJIE.
Guest 09:54:30 AM Viewing the topic Kom ons praat VARK RIBBETJIE.
Guest 09:54:29 AM Viewing the topic Kom ons praat PASTEIE.
Guest 09:54:28 AM Viewing the topic Kom ons praat KANEEL.
Guest 09:54:25 AM Viewing the topic Hold on. I check....
Guest 09:54:21 AM Viewing the topic Die sopdieët.
Guest 09:54:13 AM Viewing the topic Nuwe Begin..
Guest 09:54:11 AM Viewing the topic vir die res van die jaar....
Guest 09:54:08 AM Viewing the topic vir die res van die jaar....
Guest 09:54:06 AM Viewing the topic Vergewe en Vergeet ?.
Guest 09:54:05 AM Viewing the topic Vergewe en Vergeet ?.
Guest 09:54:00 AM Viewing the topic Starvation Mode? Bulpoep of pêrepie?.
Guest 09:53:56 AM Viewing the topic Gesonde Vet (Healthy-fat foods) Omega 3.
Guest 09:53:48 AM Viewing the topic Kattekruid/catnip.
Guest 09:53:44 AM Viewing the topic Die lekkerte van kleintydse onthou.
Guest 09:53:42 AM Viewing the topic Ek wil net graag weet!.
Guest 09:53:38 AM Viewing the topic Skoolhulp vir covid 19 leerlinge.
Guest 09:53:36 AM Viewing the topic Vanuit Australia: Toeka se medikasie van die Aboriginals.
Guest 09:53:07 AM Viewing the topic Ek wil net graag weet!.
Guest 09:53:06 AM Viewing the topic wat het gebeur in 3 weke.
Guest 09:52:57 AM Viewing the topic Kom ons praat ASYN.
Guest 09:52:37 AM Viewing the topic Hardloop jy saam?.
Guest 09:52:36 AM Viewing the topic Elle se Wense ...
Guest 09:52:30 AM Viewing the topic Skilder - Pieter van der Westhuizen...
Guest 09:52:15 AM Viewing the board Vinger-eetgoedjies.
Guest 09:52:14 AM Viewing the topic nuwe aankomeling op ons werf..
Guest 09:52:12 AM Viewing the topic drie-dimensionele kuns.
Guest 09:52:10 AM Viewing the topic Kom ons praat DIEET.
Guest 09:52:06 AM Viewing the topic Kom ons praat BRANDRISSIE.
Guest 09:52:05 AM Viewing the topic Kom ons praat KNOFFEL.
Guest 09:52:02 AM Viewing the topic Mengelmoes kardoes uit die forumgange.
Guest 09:51:54 AM Viewing the board Item vir die week.
Guest 09:51:52 AM Viewing the topic spreekwoorde en gesegdes.
Guest 09:51:34 AM Viewing the topic Ou idiome uit die volksmond.
Guest 09:51:30 AM Viewing the topic Kom ons praat SEEKOS.
Guest 09:51:24 AM Viewing the topic Kom ons praat RESEPTE.
Guest 09:51:22 AM Viewing the topic Kaneel: Het jy geweet?.
Guest 09:51:14 AM Viewing the topic Kruie en speserye.
Guest 09:51:12 AM Viewing the topic Toe ek nog jonger was.
Guest 09:51:06 AM Viewing the topic Theo in skool, Troue verby ... .
Guest 09:51:05 AM Viewing the topic Theo in skool, Troue verby ... .
Guest 09:51:04 AM Viewing the topic Vier Miljoen Inwoners....
Guest 09:50:58 AM Viewing the topic 'n Hand en tand bekgeveg teen die asemdief PH (Pulmonale Hipertensie).
Guest 09:50:50 AM Viewing the topic Koffie?.