Wat is Outisme?
Outisme spektrum versteuring (OSV) en outisme is albei algemene terme vir 'n groep van komplekse afwykings in brein ontwikkeling.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and autism are both general terms for a group of complex disorders of brain development.
Verbale en nie-verbale kommunikasie, gepaardgaande met herhalende gedrag en sosiale interaksie probleme kenmerk hierdie reeks outistiese spektrum versteurings. Hierdie kenmerke wissel in grade van kind tot kind.
Verbal and non-verbal communication associated with repetitive behavior and social interaction difficulties characteristic these autistic spectrum disorders. The characteristics vary in degrees from child to child.
Outisme se wortels blyk om in 'n baie vroeë breinontwikkeling te wees en word deur die professionele mediese wêreld as geestesgesondheid geklasifiseer. Maar ek en verskeie ander groot rolspelers in die wêreld van outisme, is van mening dat dit eintlik 'n probleem met die ingewande is wat breinfunksie beïnvloed. Ons glo dat voedsel, lug en ander besoedeling 'n belangrike snellers vir outisme is. Niemand word met outisme gebore nie, net soos wat niemand met kanker gebore word nie!
Autism appears to have its roots in very early brain development and the professional medical world classified autism as mental health. However, I and several other major role players in the world of autism, is of the opinion that it is actually a problem with the intestines that affects brain function. We believe that food, air and other pollution is an important trigger for autism. No one is born with autism, just as no one is born with cancer!
Die outistiesespektrum is wyd, en diagnoses van tyd tot tyd verander soos wat nuwe inligting in stroom. Die spektrum word beskryf as 'n sambreel, met verskeie diagnosesonder een sambreel van outisme. Onder die OSV sambreel vind ons: Rett-sindroom, Heller se sindroom, omvattende ontwikkelingsversteuring en Asperger-sindroom.
The autistic spectrum is wide, and diagnoses change from time to time, as new information comes in. The spectrum been described as an umbrela, with several diagnosis under the umbrella of autism. Under the ASD umbrella we find: Rett syndrome Heller's syndrome, comprehensive development disorder and Asperger syndrome.