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blykbaar skei die ryp piesangs etileengas af wat die rypmaak proses aanhelp. spanspek skei dit ook af
eenkee rby 'n ou kollege vriend gekuier wat met piesangs en avos geboer het. SO gee hy ons 'n  boks avos wat vars gepluk is en kliphard groen is. hy smeer toe 'n vleoistof aan die helfte van die avos en die ander helfte nie, maar almal was in selfde boks. die vloeistof was etileen. hyt geseg die wat etileen gekry het sal nou vinniger ryp raak en wel ook die ander aansteek. eintlik moes ons die 2 in verskillende bokse pak maar daar was nie plek want sy bokse was te groot. die gesmeerdes het wel gouer ryp geraak. sjo eons het vreeslik abie avos geët daai volgende paar weke toe ons tuis kom.

Ek dink as 'n mens van daardie etileen met die avo's wil versoen dan moet jy dit saam in 'n bruin papiersak plaas.

Wie van julle het al avo's gevries? 

hier is nog antwoorde op avos maar dis rooitaal
sal maar google translate gebruik om te verstaan.

How to Freeze Avocados

Did you know avocados can be frozen?
 Though Fresh Hass Avocados are preferred for their taste and versatility, with the proper preparation, pureed avocados can be frozen and used in guacamole dips, dressings and spread on sandwiches.

Whole, cut, diced or mashed avocados do not have as desirable of a result when frozen. Guacamole can often contain other ingredients that do not freeze well so we do not recommend freezing guacamole.



Follow the instructions below to get the best possible result when freezing pureed Hass Avocados.



 1.   Wash - Wash the outside of the avocados thoroughly by holding them under running water or in your selected produce wash.
Find more avocado washing and preparation tips.

2.   Cut - Cut and peel the avocados.

3.   Puree - Place the peeled avocados in a food processor or blender. Add a ratio of one tablespoon of an acidic agent like lemon or lime juice for each avocado you are freezing. Puree until smooth. This will ensure that the lemon or lime juice is evenly distributed to help to prevent the avocados from turning brown. Mashing the avocado rather than pureeing yields a less desirable result because the acidic agent is unevenly mixed in.

4.   Package - Place the pureed avocado into an air-tight container. Leave ½ to 1 inch of headspace in the container to allow for expansion. Close your container tightly and label accordingly. Freeze.



Frozen avocado puree must be used within four to five months of freezing.

en ek het dit hier gekry



I live in the land of avocados and I freeze them all the time.

 I freeze them-- cut in half , dip in lemon juice and vacuum seal. They are fine for making guacamole, ice cream, shakes, or even slices for salad.

 Also, I freeze them as a purée that you can use as a salad dressing, sandwich spread or base for a dip such as guacamole. Here are the directions I use:

 Start with soft, ripe fruit. Remove the flesh into a bowl, mash with something acidic such as lemon or lime juice (use 1 tbsp per two Avocados). Pack into plastic container with a lid, leave a bit of room at the top for expansion during freezing, and freeze for up to 5 months. Plan to use the purée within 3 days at most after thawing it; if there's a bit of water in it, just tip the container and drain it out.



Dankie AB.  Ek het dit al gevries, fyngemaak met suurlemoensap, en dit werk goed.

Ons het Vrydag al ons avo's in koerantpapier toegedraai en gisteraand ons eerste 2 sagte avos op heerlike tuisgemaakte pizza geniet.

Die koerantpapier werk soos 'n bom!


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