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Dit is nou wel tuinslakke maar slakke is dit beslis.   :icon_biggrin:

Eating Garden Snails


Helix aspersa, the common western garden snail, is a close relative of the commercial French food snail, Helix pomatia.
The practice of rearing snails for food is known as heliciculture.

To Eat the Garden Snail:
Catch a bunch of snails, without damaging them, and put them into an aquarium.

To catch snails, wait until it rains, or put some plywood or other sturdy board near an area where you have seen snails. Make sure the underside of the board is propped up with some rocks or logs etc. so that it isn't touching the ground. They like to hang on the undersides of things.

Once you have the snails in your aquarium, make a similar little house for them there, where they can hang upside down from a board that fits in your aquarium. Leave a plate of water in the cage somewhere. Feed them vegetables and bread. They love lettuce. You will want to fatten them up with nutrients for about 2 weeks.

Clean the cage every day, or every other day. When you are ready to eat them, only feed them water for about 2 days. This is so they excrete all of their remaining waste.

To prepare the snail feast:
Add your snails to two gallons or so of boiling water. Keep them stirred for about 5 minutes. Drain out the water, and then remove the shells. Rinse off the snails with water and vinegar.

Next you will want to simmer in water, herbs, spices, garlic, salt and a little butter.

Chop the meat up and mix in with whatever dish you'd like. Bon Appetit!

 :angel4:  Louis, hierdie is spesiaal vir jou om te lees aangesien jy so baie tuinslakke het.  

Hou verby.

 :sign10:  Goed, ek maak so! 

Hierdie is beslis nie vinnige kos nie.



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