Author Topic: Beggerman, Poorman  (Read 2108 times)

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Offline Jeannedarc

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Beggerman, Poorman
« on: August 07, 2011, 08:00:30 PM »
‘Tis a sad sorry sight
Eyeing you in the morn
Sitting next to your non-existing home
Underneath lamppost, upon frozen soil
Dirty tatters draped around you,
In shrouds, ‘round mouth and head alike
Cracked your feet and bare
Dull black-brown eyes staring sightless
Into the bleak winter sky
Holding out a cupped hand, dirty
Silently asking pleading
For a penny or farthing
Maybe a morsel to eat

‘Tis a sad sorry sight
Eyeing you in the noon
Standing on shaky legs
Still holding out your cupped hand
Just as dirty
In the middle of the road
Braving rushing traffic
A rushing river of rubber and steel
And screaming banshee
Your pleading just as silent
But for the hatred flowing
From black-brown eye
Still begging pleading
For a rouble or a rupee
Or just a left-over crumb
To fill your hungry mouth

There is this guy at the sidewalk on my way to work each and every day. He really is clad in the most terrible of tatters and I suppose he smells not to well. He has now graduated from standing on the sidewalk to standing in the middle of the road, still holding out his cupped hand. I really do not know how to deal with this kind of situation at all. Last night on my way to Club Sport Maritimo there was this "bundle" in the middle of the road, which turned out to be a beggerman. The next moment he was at my window giving me the fright of my life and causing me to tell him to "fuck off". I do not enjoy to tell people to ef off but in the dark of night and being woman alone really is scary. Anyway, this triggered or should I rather say inspired "Beggarman, poorman". Please "enjoy" this - it really is a sad reality of life in the city.

Offline Angelica

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Re: Beggerman, Poorman
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2011, 08:18:26 PM »
Well, this 'sad sorry site' became a 'site' for the world te see, read and admire.
Can imagine what it must have felt like to see this ragged person at your car window.

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Re: Beggerman, Poorman
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2013, 01:57:46 PM »
Hier kom ek ook aan.   :icon_biggrin:
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