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Kom ons praat PIESANGS

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Ons het oppad wildtuin toe 'n hele paar piesang bome gesien en begin gesels oor hierdie heerlike vrug. 

Watse piesang raad/wenke/lekker resepte het jy?

Kom ons bespreek die piesang   :toothy4:

Navorsing het nou bewys dat die swart in 'n ryp piesang die vorming van onnatuurlike selle verhoed en dus kankerwerend in die liggaam optree.
Die piesang is dus meer as net lewegewend.


Meraai vannie Baai:
Ons koop piesangs teen 'n appel en ei (ui?) se prys diekant die oomblik as hulle jassie begin verkleur. Natuurlik soos Assie ook genoem het, op sy gesondste! Koop 'n hele kardoes vol vir 'n kale dollar. My persoonlike gunsteling is 'n piesang wat so 40 sekondes in die mikrogolf warm gemaak is met vla en skeppie onheilige room bo op. As daar nou nog 'n bietjie gekookte kondensmelk oor is, maak dit van die dis 'n verbode koningsbederf vir die uwe  :hello2: Piesangskywe met gekookte kondensmelk in 'n opgerolde pannekoek is djeeeeeeerlik verby!!

Ek loer nou hier na die boererate wat piesangs voorskryf  :icon_biggrin:
HOOIKOORS: eet 3 piesangs elke oggend.
HARTKWALE: Piesangs (noem nie hoeveel nie)
MAAGKWALE: Eet piesangs.
MAAGSERE: Eet baie piesangs.
MOEG EN BEDRUK: Eet 'n piesang.
SOOIBRAND: Eet 'n piesang.
SPIERPYNE EN KRAMPE: Eet nog 'n piesang :)
WATERRETENSIE: Eet baie piesangs.
SLEGTE GEHEUE: Eet piesangs.

Ek het altyd gedink 'n baie ryp piesang is besig om vrot te word, maar om te weet hy is dan op sy gesondste, maak eintlik baie sin.

My gunsteling is 'n geroosterde toebroodjie met spek, kaas en piesang.  Absoluut heerlik!

Hier is so paar baie interessante feite oor piesangs (ongelukkig in Engels):


•Thanks to its oil, rubbing the inside of a banana peel on a mosquito bite (or other bug bite) or on poison ivy will help keep it from itching and getting inflamed.

•If you rub the inside of a banana peel on a scrape or burn, it will help the pain go away, keep the swelling down, and keep the wound from getting infected.

•If you rub the inside of a small piece of banana peel on a wart every night (or tape a piece of peel over the wart), the potassium in the peel can make the wart disappear in one to two weeks.

•If you tape a banana peel over a splinter, the enzymes help the splinter work its way out of your skin (and also heal the wound).

•To whiten teeth naturally, rub the inside of a banana peel on your teeth for about two minutes every night. If you gargle with salt water, this will heighten the effect. Expect results in about two weeks. It works because of the effect of the potassium, magnesium, and manganese in the banana peel.

•Bananas make great conditioner that helps restore dry, damaged hair. Mash a banana and add a tablespoon of heavy cream and a tablespoon of honey to the mixture. Then apply it to dry hair, cover your hair with a shower cap, and then wrap your head in a warm towel. Leave it on for up to an hour and then rinse thoroughly with warm water before shampooing.

•Rubbing a banana peel on your forehead can help cure a headache.

•Bananas and banana peels make great fertilizer (you can compost them, bury them whole, or cut them in small pieces and mix them with garden soil) because of their phosphorous and potassium content. Roses especially like them.
•Rubbing the inside of a banana peel on houseplant leaves makes the leaves shiny.

•You can use the inside of a banana peel to clean and polish leather shoes.
•Banana peels also make a good silver polish—just rub silver with the inside of a peel and then buff with a cloth.

Meraai vannie Baai:
WOW duisend dankies vir al die rate Terry. Gaan beslis van hulle begin toepas.  :notworthy: :icon_salut:


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