Die Klaskamer > Spelling

What is wrong?

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Good morning Friends

What is wrong with the statement below:

caution this bus
takes two lanes to turn

Is it takes or uses?


first of all after caution there should be an exclamation mark. as it reads now it says one must caution the bus but what is actually meant is "please beware - this bus takes two lanes to turn. i know its pedantical but it made me aware, once again, of the use of puntuation in whatever we write.

Ah, "puntuation" pun intended!   :toothy4:

Jy weet hoe om ons skrywers, wat nie van hoofletters en punktuasie gebruik maak nie, uit te vang nê! 
Ek skuld jou een.  :bootyshake:

no punctuation pun was intended. it is a sad reality of life and one i see every morning on my way to work. on the back of a putco bus that message is displayed. the way it is displayed opens it up for interpretations apart from the one intended because as it is now it definitely does not display a caution. 


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